Saturday, April 15, 2017

M is for Maggieknockater

We've reached the halfway point of the A to Z blogging challenge and I wonder how many of us are needing to seek professional help, or just up the coffee and chocolate intake to get us through the second half.

Todays post is short but sweet. Maggieknockater is a small hamlet which is 40 miles away from us.

There are lots of other M's that I could have done but I just love this place name so much. The mind can conjure up all sorts of reasons for the name, most of them involving a woman called Maggie. Sorry to disappoint, but according to several sources, it's nothing to do with a woman, but derived from a gaelic word that means "plain of the hilly ridge".

There is a traditional Scottish dance called the Bees of Maggieknockater which recalls the fact that there used to be an apiary in the hamlet. Here's a video of the dance:

So, A to M done and dusted. The second half has all sorts of exciting things in store, including an island, alcohol, and the home of Hamish Macbeth. Before you go, why don't you pop over to the A to Z blog to see what my fellow bloggers have come up with - click HERE to visit.

Until next time, be good, stay safe, and do you know the reason for any strange place names near you.

Pamela & Ken


  1. Love the name of this town! Can't wait to read more.

  2. That is a fantastic name! Thanks for visiting my blog today! So many hot guys from the 80's, I had to narrow it down! The struggles LOL

    1. You're welcome and good luck for the second half of the challenge - can't wait to see who you feature for X.

  3. Brilliant place name! Good luck for the second half of the Challenge.

  4. Hi Pam and Ken - lovely and what an interesting naming .. love it - then the bees ... recorded for the future ... cheers and see you next week - Hilary

    1. Thanks Hilary. Looking forward to what you've got in store for us in the second half.

  5. Love the name of the town (and the dance) and nice to meet you - thanks for popping over to my blog - it's what I love about the A to Z Challenge - all the new people I get to meet :)
    Leanne | cresting the hill

    1. You're welcome Leanne - so many fabulous blogs out there.

  6. Your theme has been great so far! Also, what a fun name for a place... :D

    The Multicolored Diary: WTF - Weird Things in Folktales

  7. My browser is acting up, and I can't view the dance video.
    My fitness instructor who is from Scotland flew to Edinburgh for a dance festival, I believe it was about two weeks ago, is that the one?

    1. Probably something similar as they have all sorts of dance at these festivals.
